Monday, November 24, 2008

House and Church Hunting

For the past couple of days my brother and I have been looking for houses to rent, since LEA IS COMING TO LIVE WITH US!!!!! My brother fell in love with one house...and I'm thinking that's the one we'll go for...cause he's kinda stubborn that way. Anyhoo - it's a pretty darn awesome house. I've been reworking my budget so I can afford it. It's good times. Since Lea and I both have motorcycles I probably won't want to sell mine anymore - no one wants it at this time of year anyway. But - I may end up having to - who knows?
Anyway - this was a spectacular weekend. I got to talk to Alicia and she finds out if it's a boy or girl this week! Bad news though...Big Boy had to be put to sleep. But he was like 15 years old, and his name no longer made sense since he lost like 20 pounds. So sad...he was a sweetie.
I should find out this week what will happen with my credentials. I'm positive they'll remove them, or ask me to surrender them. The process is the only thing I want to know about.
I talked to Dana for ten minutes yesterday. It was the longest conversation we've had since the divorce. It was kinda normal...not exactly sure why. Maybe cause I came out.
Anyway - I chose a church off the internet to try this past Sunday. It was a United Church of Christ. So, I go just in time for the service, walk in, and realize...I am the only white person there. I haven't been to a black church since Dana's grandpa's funeral. It was awesome! I got hugs and handshakes and about 25-30 people told me they were glad I was there. And about 5 asked me to make sure and come back. I felt welcome there. I desperately want to find a church home. I don't think it will be at the UCC, but once Lea gets here, we are all going to look for a church to go to. A Christian, loving, liberal church. And yes, Shawn said he will go. That would rock.
My break is almost over, so I may finish up later. Or this may be all you get...relish it.


Samara said...

Have you checked out any of the Unitarian Universalist church. I found good things with that church back home, they are female friendly (meaning they have female preachers) as well as gay friendly. If there is one in your neighborhood, please check it out :)

I miss you and I'm glad you are being strong throughout all this. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Karen said to try Disciples of Christ. Have I mentioned that First UMC San DIego is pretty awesome, too? You should try that one.