Thursday, June 12, 2008


Why is no one commenting on my blog? I feel lonely.

Are ya'll still reading?

I know my life isn't exciting right now or anything. But I'd like to know if you think of me.



Anonymous said...

You are so pathetic. I bet just as many people are reading your blog as ever, but don't want to say how much they miss you 'cause it'll only remind them of how much they miss you, and it might also make you feel bad.

Those people aren't me, though. I pretty much email you every day. And I don't feel bad at all about not commenting... :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, he eats milk and cookies every night! How cute could you possibly be? I'm going to start forwarding our little email sparring sessions so you can see how the flirting is going...

$10 says he'll come help us remodel our pad... Which we're definitely going to need to name, by the by...

goldeelox20 said...

Hey Shannon!! I miss you!! Check out my blog-I posted something for you:)

Shannon said...

Sarah - I checked your blog - but all I get is a blank page with a pretty flower. Can you send me a link to your blog?

goldeelox20 said...
I don't know if this will work, but you can try it!

goldeelox20 said...

ok, the questions are finally posted. I just created a new blog and all you have to do is click on my name: goldeelox20.